Local Food for a Sustainable Future
At Marin Sun Farms we are committed to creating a more sustainable food system by empowering farmers, conserving our landscapes, and restoring the vitality of the foodshed and its inhabitants.

No Antibiotics or Hormones
Our meat and eggs are never raised with antibiotics or hormones.

Humanely Raised & Handled
Livestock are raised, handled and processed using proven low stress, humane practices.

From Local Family Farms
Farms are the lifeblood of a healthy food system responsibly embedding nature into the human experience.

Sustainably Raised
We believe in pasture focused production that promotes land management practices which, foster ecosystem resiliency.

Whole Animal Butchery
From nose to tail we endeavor to use every part. Nothing goes to waste!

Processing Resiliency
By overseeing ALL of our own harvesting we set ourselves apart and can ensure uninterrupted fulfillment.

All our meat is sourced from the California Foodshed.

to always bettering ourselves, our products and practices.
Local Family Farms
We collaborate with the California family farming community who raise animals respective of our shared values. This model builds resiliency in the food system and ensures peak season availability throughout the year.
Sunstainable Land Management
Well managed livestock, raised within a pastoral model, contribute to the long term sustainability of our productive landscapes while building diverse and stable communities above and below the soil surface.
Last Abattoir in the Bay Area
We are proud to be operating the last remaining slaughterhouse in the San Francisco Bay Area. This facility is an integral part of ensuring the long term viability of our Local California Foodshed. It is Certified Organic and Animal Welfare Approved.
Whole Animal Butchery
Our skilled butchers utilize every part of the animal from nose to tail, without waste, and respectful of the life given and resources invested in creating this nutrient dense food.
Taste the Difference
Meat sourced confidently supports your passion for cooking, and the enjoyment of eating. Taste the flavor and nutrient density of real grass fed, pasture raised meats and eggs.

Local Family Farms
We collaborate with the California family farming community who raise animals respective of our shared values. This model builds resiliency in the food system and ensures peak season availability throughout the year.
Sustainable Land Management
Well managed livestock, raised within a pastoral model, contribute to the long term sustainability of our productive landscapes while building diverse and stable communities above and below the soil surface.
Last Abattoir in the Bay Area
Well managed livestock, raised within a pastoral model, contribute to the long term sustainability of our productive landscapes while building diverse and stable communities above and below the soil surface.
Whole Animal Butchery
Our skilled butchers utilize every part of the animal from nose to tail, without waste, and respectful of the life given and resources invested in creating this nutrient dense food.
Taste the Difference
Meat sourced confidently supports your passion for cooking, and the enjoyment of eating. Taste the flavor and nutrient density of real grass fed, pasture raised meats and eggs.
Grass Fed • Pasture Raised • California Local
We convert solar energy into healthy, delicious red meat
We convert solar energy into healthy, delicious red meat
Raised on grass, always and happily
Raised on grass, always and happily
Raised on grass, always and happily
Raised on grass, always and happily
Heritage NON-GMO Pork is the real deal
Heritage NON-GMO Pork is the real deal
Share in the seasonal bounty of California’s pastures
Share in the seasonal bounty of California’s pastures
Pasture Raised! It’s like tasting chicken for the first time.
Pasture Raised! It’s like tasting chicken for the first time.
Wild Hens peck and play out on Pasture 100% of the time
Wild Hens peck and play out on Pasture 100% of the time
Specialty Meats
Duck, Rabbit, Ham, Bacon, Hot Dogs
Duck, Rabbit, Ham, Bacon, Hot Dogs